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Here's why COPJOT Police Pens are the Best for Your Pocket
home >> blog articles > here's why COPJOT police pens are the best for your uniform By Brian Humenuk MS|CJA COPJOT 3-minute read or less In law enforcement, every detail matters. Isn't that what you learned in the Police Academy? From the uniform you wear to the tools you carry, professionalism, durability, and functionality are a standard concern amongst officers worldwide. That’s why at COPJOT, we’ve curated only the perfect pens for police officers—looking for strength, style, and performance. Whether you're writing reports in the field, issuing a carbon copy traffic citation, or carrying a professional writing instrument during courtroom...
Common Police Ranks In Order for Most Departments (Ultimate Guide)
home >> blog articles > common police ranks in order for most departments (ultimate guide) By Brian Humenuk MS|CJA COPJOT Published on May 19, 2024 Updated on January 20, 2025 ⏱️ 3-minute read or less Understanding the rank structure or hierarchical structure of police organizations is important for appreciating how law enforcement operates. Getting to know the common rank structure of police agencies is also important for people who might be thinking about a career in law enforcement or are currently going through the process of becoming a law enforcement officer. LEARN MORE: Tips for Becoming a Police Officer in 2024 (Pro Guide)...
Best Careers for Criminal Justice Associate Degree Graduates
home > blog articles > best careers for criminal justice associate degree graduates By: Brian Humenuk MS|CJA COPJOT ⏱️ 4-minute read or less The criminal justice industry is competitive, especially regarding full-time jobs that pay well and have great benefits. While a bachelor's or master's degree is the standard route for many, not everyone has the time or resources to commit to a four-year program. And... Some good advice that was given to me was not to commit to a higher college degree without getting into the field and knowing that it truly is for you. An associate's degree in criminal...
Top Police Officer Duties, Responsibilities, and Misconceptions
home > blog articles > the american cop [duties, responsibilities, and job description] By Brian Humenuk MS|CJA COPJOT Updated on January 20, 2025 ⏱️ 4.5-minute read or less A police officer’s job is complex, but it hasn’t always been that way. As our population has grown and communities have evolved the role of a police officer has changed….. but with that change comes the need for education, endless training, and of course controversy. The balance of being an enforcer and community partner is one of the more difficult aspects of the job. To be active or reactive. To enforce or give a break. Throw...
Minimum and Maximum age to become a Police Officer
home > blog articles > minimum and maximum age to become a Police Officer By: Brian Humenuk MS|CJA COPJOT 4-minute read Minimum and Maximum Police Officer age requirements Becoming a police officer is a courageous decision and a challenging career path that attracts individuals from all walks of life. However, one of the fundamental criteria for pursuing a career in law enforcement is meeting certain age requirements. These requirements exist to ensure that candidates possess the necessary maturity, physical fitness, and life experience to effectively serve and protect their communities. They also exist to ensure that the physical demands of the...