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home >> blog articles > when did miranda rights start (history explained)     By Brian Humenuk   MS|CJA   COPJOT Updated on July 20, 2022 4 minute read     Miranda Rights are just as important in shaping the American criminal justice system as any court ruling in the 19th century.    The Miranda case from 1963 is now nearing 60 years old. Before this date in history, police officers who were representatives of police departments nationwide were able to ask suspects self-incriminating questions without any warning that their answers could be used against them in court hearings.  Before the landmark supreme court case, citizens in police custody or persons...

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home > blog articles > 13 pro tips for police officers testifying in court     By Brian Humenuk   MS|CJA   COPJOT Updated on December 30, 2023 5-minute read or less     For many new police officers who are pulling in arrests faster than the New England Patriots were winning super bowls during the Tom Brady / Bill Belichick era, court testimony for those arrests will loom. Yes, you guessed it I am a New Englander. But I am not on your screen to talk about the Patriots, I am talking to you today about potentially making you a better police witness. Who am I...

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 home > blog articles > when can I file a missing persons report   By Brian Humenuk, MA, COPJOT January 4, 2024 3 minute read One of the more important entries that is written into a COPJOT Police Notebook is that of a person who has gone missing. Besides, possibly a homicide investigation, a missing persons case will be an in-depth investigation that your Police Notepad will be filled up with useful information and that information will develop leads to the case. When it comes to a missing person one of the #1 questions law enforcement gets is when can I file a missing persons report? Keep reading, the answers...

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